What is web hosting and what options are available?

When you want to set up a website, you soon come across web hosting. Web hosting is essential to get your website online and accessible to visitors. But what exactly does web hosting entail, how does it work, and what types are there? In this article, we answer these questions.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is the service where you rent space on a server to run your website and domain name. This server is continuously connected to the Internet, so visitors can always reach your website.

You can compare it to having a phone number without credit. Although you have a phone number (domain name), without credit (hosting) you cannot use the service. So hosting ensures that your website is actually accessible.

When do you need web hosting?

Once you plan to put a Web site live, you need hosting. Although you can often start building your Web site in a content management system (CMS), hosting is necessary to make it publicly accessible. Without hosting, your website will remain offline.

How does web hosting work?

Web hosting ensures that all your website's files and data are stored on a server and available to visitors through their Internet browser. When someone enters your domain name, it is converted to an IP address that connects the visitor to the server where your website is stored. The server then sends back the necessary data so the visitor can see and use your Web site.

Different types of web hosting

Depending on the specific requirements of your Web site, there are different types of hosting options available. It is important that you choose the right one that suits your Web site. A reliable hosting partner, such as, can advise and support you well in this regard. Below is an overview of the most common forms of hosting:

1. Shared hosting

With shared hosting, you share the server with several other websites. This makes it one of the cheapest options, but it can affect performance when other websites on the same server have a lot of traffic.

For whom: Beginners, small websites and blogs.
Advantages: Low cost, easy to use.
Disadvantages: Limited performance, shared resources and lower security. hereby offers low-cost (free) shared hosting packages with reliable performance, perfect for start-up websites.

2. Virtual Private Server (VPS)

With a VPS, you have your own virtual server with guaranteed resources, such as CPU and RAM. Although you still share the physical server with others, a VPS offers more stability and better performance than shared hosting.

For whom: Larger websites and small businesses.
Advantages: Better performance, improved security, scalable.
Disadvantages: More expensive, requires technical knowledge for management.

3. Dedicated hosting

Dedicated hosting means that you have an entire server to yourself. This is ideal for large Web sites or high-traffic businesses because you don't have to share with other users.

For whom: Large websites, e-commerce platforms.
Advantages: Maximum performance, full control.
Disadvantages: High cost, requires a lot of technical expertise.

4. Cloud hosting

With cloud hosting, you use a network of servers in different locations. This provides more flexibility and scalability, especially when you're dealing with spikes in visitor numbers.

For whom: Websites that experience frequent fluctuations in visitor numbers or operate internationally.
Advantages: Scalability, reliable performance worldwide.
Disadvantages: Costs may vary, more complex configuration. provides flexible cloud hosting services, allowing you to easily respond to changing needs and growing visitor numbers.

5. Managed hosting

With managed hosting, all technical management of the server is handled by the hosting provider. This means things like security, updates and maintenance are taken care of for you.

For whom: High-traffic websites or companies that want to outsource server management.
Advantages: No technical knowledge needed, reliable support, focus on your website.
Disadvantages: Higher costs, less control over server settings.

What should you pay attention to when choosing web hosting?

In addition to choosing the type of hosting, there are other important factors to consider:

  • Performance: Make sure your website loads quickly so that visitors have a good experience.
  • Uptime and reliability: Choose a provider with a high uptime guarantee (at least 99.99%).
  • Scalability: Make sure you can easily upgrade as your website grows.
  • Bandwidth and storage: Check for adequate space and data limits.
  • Support: Good customer service is essential, especially if you run into technical problems.
  • Security: A secure server with regular backups and firewall protection is important.
  • Costs: Compare several providers and choose the best value for money.
  • Server Location: Server location affects the speed of your website, especially for visitors from abroad. offers a wide range of reliable hosting solutions, combined with excellent support and competitive pricing. This allows you to confidently choose the right hosting to suit your website needs.

With this information, you can make an informed choice about the best web hosting for your website.

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